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Birds of a Feather are Flocking Together January 15-18, 2026!

Below is general information about the Palm Springs Winter Break event.

Updates will be provided here and in the Facebook Group.

  • Palm Springs Winter Break Facebook Group

Fla-lingo Flash emails will go to registered attendees who provided an email address.

I also try to post regular announcements in the World Line Dance Newsletter. 

Please keep checking here, join the Facebook Group, and register to get on the event mailing list!

Lots of fun planned leading up to AND at the event - don't miss out!


EVERY DAY is a good day for a FLAMINGO. It has been SO MUCH FUN every year to see the costumes and personal table decorations brought by dancers and fun frivolity of the flamingos and lights. Needless to say - these are here to stay! If you haven’t gathered any flamingo frocks yet, you might want to collect a shirt or two, maybe some feathered leggings or pink pants.  It’s great to feel like a regal flamingo!  There are lots of fun options out there. Check out photos from past events for inspiration.


SATURDAY NIGHT: “Keep the Magic AGLOW!”  Wear something that lights up - ring, pin, hat, shirt, headband, entire suit, etc. If you do go ALL OUT, be sure to do a test run of your lights in advance - with dancing - to make sure your lights don’t impede your moves! Also, please be aware of fellow flamingos with strobe-light-sensitive issues, so make those lights SHINE but NOT BLINK. 


As of 2024, this night is dedicated to Paul & Karla Dornstedt, who started "Keep the Magic" and have been long-time influencers and supporters of the Southern California line dance scene. 



The Pavilion 

PSWB is held at the gorgeous Pavilion, a City facility with a beautiful wood floor, stage, and we set out round tables and chairs for our flamingos to roost for the weekend. 
Continuing from 2024 - we will have a table decorating contest! Free to participate and completely voluntary.  



Thursday daytime activities will include non-dance options to spend time with your flockstars. Past activities have been Escape Palm Springs and t-shirt cutting with Jo. For 2026, Gerard Murphy will be offering workshops for his PRESENCE MATTERS initiative. Some bird watching with Jill might even be in the cards!


Thursday night is the welcoming evening dance with the introduction of staff, a quick & fun lesson from one of our flock stars, dancing of some pre-scripted favorites, and open dancing by request with announced floor splits. Event doors will open at 7 PM. Your DJ will start playing requests by 7:30 PM. The rest of the Thursday night fun (staff introduction, fun lesson, pre-scripted dances) will start around 8:30 PM, followed by more open dancing by request until 10:45 PM. 


Friday and Saturday 

Each day is filled with workshops, open dancing brain breaks, and reviews of classic favorites. 


Friday and Saturday workshops will be improver to high intermediate level dances.


On Friday and Saturday, doors open at 8:15 AM. A tentative schedule will be posted, and registered dancers will be sent links (where available) for dances scheduled to be taught.



Sunday is Flamingo Funday! While all the days are fun, Sunday is an inclusive atmosphere of fun and frivolity with the ever-present pink flamingos.


Sunday workshops will be beginner to improver level dance lessons.


On Sunday, doors open at 8 AM and classes begin at 8:15 AM. A tentative schedule will be posted, and registered dancers will be sent links (where available) for dances scheduled to be taught. Sunday also has open dancing in between lessons, including the dance party to finish out the weekend. 


Before & After

PSWB is now on a holiday weekend! Monday, January 19 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 2026. So come before Thursday and leave after Sunday - enjoy the weekend. There is so much to do in Palm Springs! 


Fla-lingo flashes (emails sent to registered flamingos) will have some details and special opportunities for before and after the event.


Registration will open soon for 2026! Past flamboyance members will receive an email announcement when registration is avaialble.


Similar to past years, our flamingos will have options for:

  • Full Event Pass (Thursday night through Sunday)

  • "2-day" Pass (Thursday night through Saturday)

  • "2-day" Weekend Pass (Friday night through Sunday)

  • Sunday-only Pass (Sunday only)

  • Sunday-PLUS Pass (Saturday night through Sunday)

  • Spectator Pass (limited number available for the weekend)

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